Yvonne Lee

About the Author

Yvonne Lee is not only a writer, but a fierce Advocate, an innovative teacher, and a source of inspiration for individuals seeking guidance or direction.

For more than 30 years, Yvonne has been advocating for individuals; fulfilling her lifelong passion of strengthening families and communities.

A Jamaican native she brings a fresh and cultural perspective for motivating others. Her unwavering commitment to the marginalized, abused, or violated, is evident in the skills she utilized for victims of Human Trafficking, Domestic and Sexual violence.

You must do the thing you think you cannot do

Find the strength inside you to conquer difficulties and accomplish amazing things. In a world with a lot of unknowns, proverbs give us good advice to help us through life.

About Book

Discover a collection of wise sayings that have been passed down for ages. In a world where simple things are often true, these short sayings give deep thoughts about life’s complicated things. From the smart sayings of Solomon to the thoughts of Benjamin Franklin, proverbs have been around for a long time and have become a part of society. Today, as we face the difficulties of the modern world, we need these ancient teachings more than ever. Come with us to learn about how ancient things can still be important today. We will find out how they can give people new ideas and change their lives for the better.

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